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As with any organized event on Town land, Arlington asks that we collect waivers from participants. Download the waiver, sign and email photo or pdf to See more information about requirements for working on Arlington public land at the end of this page.
No events at the moment
Permission must be sought from the Environmental Planner (wetlands in parks, conservation land) and Recreation Director (park lands) to remove invasives on public land, and the Town requires signed volunteer waivers.
Work near wetlands, streams or ponds can not involve digging.
It’s illegal to use herbicides/pesticides without a license on land not your own.
Removed invasives must be black-plastic bagged and added to garbage for incineration, not composted as yard waste.
Bags must be labeled "Invasive Weeds" (stickers available at the Planning Office front desk (Town Hall Annex) or Arlington DPW - Charlotte Milan’s Office).
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